Friday, February 18, 2011

Apple iPhone Nano is not cheap but

Rumors about a iPhone Nano, Or at least one Economic iPhone, were widespread on the Web with an article published by the Wall Street Journal, which suggested that the project were at an advanced stage of development even if they did not know the exact time of launch. New York Times Back on the subject, stressing the 'existence of a concept of low-cost iPhoneBut at the moment is one of the many temporary jobs at the company does not provide a definite marketing.

The priority for Apple now would be to carry out the next version of iPhone (iPhone a module that will integrate NFC 5) expected for the summer and not have plans to launch other terminal. As previously reported in a previous report, the design of a low-cost iPhone could not be a good idea for Apple, bringing more problems than advantages. A terminal of this kind affect the turnover Apple and could determine the fragmentation of the platform iOS, Which manages to weave perfectly software and hardware.

Certainly, an Apple iPhone at low cost to help increase its market share, But the company has always occupied a prominent place in high-end category segment, being content to lower the prices of old models with new arrivals. Volume do is always a winning move for a manufacturer of terminals and samples of Sony Ericsson and Motorola remind us.

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